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Washington: Climate Change

The Department of Ecology proposed amendments to regulations governing reporting of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and the Climate Commitment Act program. The amendments would provide a framework for addressing electricity imports from specified sources through centralized markets, a process for identifying importers, methods for assigning GHG emissions to imports, and equitable treatment across and between bilateral and centralized markets. Hearings will be held August 6 and 8, 2024. Comments are due August 20, 2024.

Vermont: Land Use

The Agency of Agriculture, Food, and Markets proposed amendments to regulations governing the Technical Service Provider (TSP) Certification Rule. The amendments would ensure TSPs are held accountable for understanding the rules, regulations, and requirements related to nutrient management planning and permitting/certification services, and enable enforcement on TSPs if the services they provide are out of compliance with water quality regulations. A hearing will be held August 29, 2024. Comments are due September 9, 2024.