The cases listed below appear in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update. For cases previously reported, please use the filter on the left.
Volume 54, Issue 24
No(s). 22-1271 (D.C. Cir. Sep 3, 2024)
In a per curiam opinion, the D.C.
No(s). 20-1187 (D.C. Cir. Aug 27, 2024)
The D.C. Circuit denied environmental groups' petitions to review NRC's denial of their requests to intervene in licensing proceedings for construction and operation of a spent nuclear fuel storage facility in New Mexico.
No(s). CV-24-08154-PCT-DJH (D. Ariz. Aug 22, 2024)
A district court granted an Indian tribe's motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO) in a challenge to BLM's approval of a lithium mine exploration project in Arizona.
No(s). 2:23-CV-00692 (W.D. La. Aug 22, 2024)
A district court granted the state of Louisiana's motion to permanently enjoin EPA from (1) enforcing disparate impact requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act against any entity of the state, or requiring compliance with those requirements as a condition of financial assistance;
No(s). CIV 20-0924 JB/GBW (D.N.M. Aug 27, 2024)
A district court largely upheld BLM's approval of a proposed dolomite mining project near the Florida Mountains in New Mexico.
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