Advertising in the Environmental Law Reporter

ELR®—The Environmental Law Reporter® is an essential online research tool edited by attorneys that provides the most-often cited analysis of environmental, sustainability, natural resources, energy, toxic tort, and land use law and policy. ELR has three components:

  • News & Analysis, ELR’s highly respected monthly journal, provides insightful articles relevant to both legal practice and policy on today’s most pressing environmental topics. News & Analysis is available in print as well as online.
  • ELR UPDATE provides expert summaries three times a month of the most important federal and state judicial and administrative developments as well as federal legislative and international news. Subscribers can also receive ELR Daily Update, our daily summary of federal administrative news.
  • ELR Online, ELR’s subscription-only website, is a one-stop environmental law and policy research site with access to over 40 years of ELR analysis, extensive links to statutes, regulations and policies, a comprehensive subject matter index, and many other tools.

ELR started publishing in January 1971 with a singular purpose:

The Reporter is being undertaken in response to the widely-voiced request for legal research tools and basic information useful to those confronting environmental issues as advocates, counselors, government officials, and teachers. In attempting to serve this broad constituency, the Reporter will be designed to meet the standards of the specialized bar, although every reasonable effort will be made to assure that it is accessible to in experienced users.

ELR continues that focus today by providing a single source for all aspects of environmental law and policy. The goal of ELR is to educate the profession, provide timely information, encourage constructive debate, and explore new areas of innovation and understanding in order to foster a healthy environment, prosperous economies, and vibrant communities founded on the rule of law.

15% to agencies. Net 30 days. No cash discount.

No cancellations after order closing date.

1 page: $350 (1x); $315 (3x); $285 (6x)
1/2 page $250 (1x); $225 (3x); $200 (6x)
1/4 page $195 (1x); $175 (3x); $150 (6x)

All covers, (full pages only), extra $500.

No bleeds available except on back cover.

(Printing process: offset. Trim size: 8-1/2 x 11. Binding method: saddle stitched/perfect-bound).
1 pg 8-1/4 x 10-1/2
1/2 pg 8-1/4 x 5-1/4
1/4 pg 4 x 5

500 Total
100 Non-Pd
400 Paid
300 Subscribers
100 ELI Associate Members

Call or e-mail for closing dates. Opportunities for online advertising in ELR available soon. Subscriber list available for rent.

Kimi Anderson
Customer Service Manager
Phone: (202) 939-3836

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