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89 FR 60629

EPA gave notice of a proposed consent decree in State of New York v. Regan, No. 1:23-cv-2767 (D.D.C.), that would establish deadlines for the EPA Administrator to either sign proposed and final rulemakings regarding new source performance standards for new residential wood heaters and new residential hydronic heaters and forced-air furnaces, or sign a final determination not to review under the CAA.

89 FR 60661

United States v. BP America, Inc., No. 1:24-cv-0139 (E.D. Mo. July 22, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling CERCLA defendants must pay $1.05 million for alleged natural resource damages resulting from releases of hazardous substances from the Sweetwater Mine and Mill Complex in Reynolds County, Missouri.

89 FR 60420

EPA proposed to designate acetaldehyde, acrylonitrile, benzenamine, vinyl chloride, and 4,4-methylene bis as high-priority substances for risk evaluation under TSCA. 

89 FR 60339

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (updates to various emission control standards for Mecklenburg County). 

89 FR 60314

EPA granted a request from the states of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut to reclassify the New York-Northern New Jersey-Long Island, NY-NJ-CT ozone nonattainment area from “moderate” to “serious” for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS. 

89 FR 60498

NMFS, based on a comprehensive status review of seven species of giant clams, proposed to list H. porcellanus, T. mbalavuana, T. squamosina, T. derasa, and T. gigas as endangered species and H. hippopus as a threatened species under the ESA. 

89 FR 60319

FWS determined endangered species status for the Sira curassow and southern helmeted curassow under the ESA. 

89 FR 59832

EPA granted a request by the state of Colorado to reclassify the Denver Metro/North Front Range ozone nonattainment area from “moderate” to “serious” for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS.