Florida: Wildlife

February 2008
The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services will conduct a public hearing, if requested, to consider amendments to 5L-1.003: Shellfish Harvesting Area Standards. This amendment proposes to reclassify the shellfish harvesting area #78 Body B. A sanitary survey evaluated current information on pollution sources and bacteriological water quality and recommended reclassification of the Body B shellfish harvesting area. The proposed reclassification of the Body B shellfish harvesting area will increase the total size of the conditionally approved areas by 1,612 acres, from 12,440 acres to 14,052 acres, and decrease the size of the prohibited area by 1,514 acres, from 5,144 acres to 3,630 acres. If requested, the public hearing will be held March 10, 2008. https://www.flrules.org/gateway/readFile.asp?sid=2&tid=5236950&type=1&File=5L-1.003.htm.