Philip J. Weiser,
Entrepreneurial Administration [Abstract],
49 ELR 10799 (2019)
Recent Journal Literature
"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.
Tommy Beaudreau, Janice Schneider, and Joshua Marnitz ,
The Public’s Interest and Durable Management of Energy Development on Public Lands ,
49 ELR 10735 (2019)
Eric Laschever,
Resisting Regulatory Rollback in the Trump Era: The Case for Preserving CZMA Consistency,
50 ELR 10134 (2020)
Frank Sturges,
No Road to Change: The Weaknesses of an Advocacy Strategy Based on Agency Policy Change,
50 ELR 10319 (2020)
Courtney A. Tibbetts, Linda K. Breggin, Elizabeth A. Holden, and Michael P. Vandenbergh,
Analysis of Environmental Law Scholarship 2018-2019,
50 ELR 10623 (2020)
Martin Nie, Nyssa Landres, and Michelle Bryan,
The Public Trust in Wildlife: Closing the Implementation Gap in 13 Western States,
50 ELR 10909 (2020)
Jessica E. Jay,
Down the Rabbit Hole With the IRS’ Challenge to Perpetual Conservation Easements, Part One,
51 ELR 10136 (2021)
Jonathan H. Adler,
The Legal and Administrative Risks of Climate Regulation,
51 ELR 10485 (2021)
Charles Lee,
Another Game Changer in the Making? Lessons From States Advancing Environmental Justice Through Mapping and Cumulative Impact Strategies,
51 ELR 10676 (2021)