Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.
would amend the National Energy Conservation Policy Act to authorize certain long-term contracts for federal purchases of energy.
would amend Title VI of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to establish a federal renewable electricity standard for retail electricity suppliers.
would amend Title VI of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 to establish a federal renewable electricity standard for retail electricity suppliers.
would assist tribal governments in the management of buffalo and buffalo habitat and the reestablishment of buffalo on Indian land.
would require the Secretary of the Interior and the Secretary of Agriculture to convey certain federal land to Utah for inclusion in certain state parks.
would provide for the conveyance of certain federal land at Swanson Reservoir and Hugh Butler Reservoir in Nebraska.
would require the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior to issue guidance on climbing management in designated wilderness areas.
would amend the Forest and Rangeland Renewable Resources Planning Act of 1974 and FLPMA to provide that the Secretary of Agriculture and the Secretary of the Interior are not required to reinitiate consultation on a land management plan or land use plan under certain circumstances.
would amend the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004 to improve the Act.
which would make continuing appropriations and extensions for fiscal year 2025, was signed by President Biden on September 26, 2024.