Cumulative Table of Cases

This database contains a complete listing of decisions published by ELR since the service began in 1971. To locate a decision, click on the letter that corresponds to the first letter of the court opinion you wish to access. Then click on the ELR citation to access the opinion and case details.

| ' | 1 | 2 | 3 | 5 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Earth Island Inst. v. Southern Cal. Edison Co.
No. 90-1535-B(BTM)
(S.D. Cal. November 1993)
24 ELR 20639
838 F. Supp. 458
38 ERC 1414
Earth Island Inst. v. U.S. Forest Serv.
No. 05-16776
(9th Cir. March 2006)
36 ELR 20062
Earth Island Institute v. Carlton
No. 09-16914
(9th Circ. November 2010)
41 ELR 20015
Earth Island Institute v. Elliot
No. 1:17-cv-01320-LJO-MJS
(E.D. Cal.  November 2017)
48 ELR 20149
Earth Island Institute v. Muldoon
No. 22-16483
(9th Cir. September 2023)
53 ELR 20148
Earth Island Institute v. Regan
No. 20-cv-00670-WHO
(N.D. Cal. August 2021)
51 ELR 20156
Earth Island Institute v. United States Forest Service
No. 22-16751
(9th Cir. December 2023)
54 ELR 20189
Earth Island Institute v. United States Forest Service
No. 11-16718
(9th Cir. September 2012)
42 ELR 20194
Earth Island Institute v. Wheeler
No. 20-cv-00670-WHO
(N.D. Cal. June 2020)
50 ELR 20132
Earth Management, Inc. v. Heard County
No. 37303
(Ga. October 1981)
12 ELR 20347
283 S.E.2d 455
16 ERC 1720
Earth Resources Co. v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
No. s. 79-2191, -2193
(D.C. Cir. January 1980)
10 ELR 20091
617 F.2d 775
Earthline Co. v. Kin-Buc, Inc.
No. 83-4226
(D.N.J. April 1984)
15 ELR 20313
21 ERC 2157
Earthline Co. v. Kin-Buc, Inc.
No. 83-4226
(D.N.J. April 1984)
15 ELR 20315
21 ERC 2161
Earthworks v. U.S. Department of the Interior
No. 09-1972 (RC)
(D.D.C. October 2020)
51 ELR 20243
Earthworks v. United States Department of the Interior
No. 20-5382
(D.C. Cir. June 2024)
54 ELR 20093
East 63rd St. Ass'n v. Coleman
No. 76 Civ. 2071
(S.D.N.Y. May 1976)
7 ELR 20459
414 F. Supp. 1318
9 ERC 1193
East 63rd St. Ass'n v. Coleman
No. 76-6083
(2d Cir. May 1976)
7 ELR 20465
538 F.2d 309
East Bay Mun. Util. Dist. v. Department of Commerce
No. 97-5079
(D.C. Cir. May 1998)
28 ELR 21293
142 F.3d 479
46 ERC 1560
East Bay Mun. Util. Dist. v. Department of Commerce
No. 93-1715 (GK)
(D.D.C. December 1996)
27 ELR 20643
948 F. Supp. 78
43 ERC 1918
East Haven, Town of v. Eastern Airlines, Inc.
No. Civ. 12175
(D. Conn. July 1971)
1 ELR 20470
333 F. Supp. 16
2 ERC 1856
East Troy, Town of v. Soo Line R.R.
No. 79-2120
(7th Cir. October 1980)
11 ELR 20079
653 F.2d 1123
15 ERC 1022
Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians v. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Comm'n
No. 76-2161
(4th Cir. November 1978)
9 ELR 20106
588 F.2d 75
Eastern Ky. Resources v. Fiscal Court of Magoffin County
No. 95-6360
(6th Cir. October 1997)
28 ELR 20251
127 F.3d 532
Eastern Niagara Pub. Power Alliance v. Federal Energy Regulatory Comm'n
No. 07-1472
(D.C. Cir. March 2009)
39 ELR 20064
Eastern Oregon Mining Ass'n v. Department of Environmental Quality
No. 46
(Or. July 2019)
49 ELR 20123
Eastlake Community Council v. Roanoke Assocs.
No. 42470
(Wash. July 1973)
3 ELR 20867
513 P.2d 36
5 ERC 1897
Eastman v. Coffeyville Resources Refining & Marketing, LLC
No. 10-1216-MLB-KGG
(D. Kan.  November 2010)
41 ELR 20031
Eastover Mining Co. v. Andrus
No. 80-17
(E.D. Ky. January 1982)
12 ELR 20923
Eau Claire, City of v. Department of Natural Resources
No. s. 133-002, -003
(Wis. Cir. Ct. July 1972)
2 ELR 20512
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch v. California Dep't of Forestry & Fire Protection
No. S143689
(Cal. May 2008)
38 ELR 20121
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch v. California Dep't of Forestry & Fire Protection
No. F058062
(Cal. App. 5th Dist. August 2010)
40 ELR 20209
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch v. California Dep't of Forestry & Fire Protection
No. F042896
(Cal. App. 5th Dist. April 2006)
36 ELR 20073
Ebbetts Pass Forest Watch v. Department of Forestry & Fire Protection
No. s. C043687, C043825
(Cal. App. 3d Dist. November 2004)
34 ELR 20135
Echo Park Residents Comm. v. Romney
No. 71-340-F
(C.D. Cal. May 1971)
2 ELR 20337
3 ERC 1255
Ecodyne Corp. v. Shah
No. C-88-4813-JPV
(N.D. Cal. August 1989)
20 ELR 20172
718 F. Supp. 1454
30 ERC 1500
Ecological Rights Found. v. Pacific Lumber Co.
No. 99-17076
(9th Cir. October 2000)
31 ELR 20246
230 F.3d 1141
51 ERC 1545

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