Cumulative Table of Cases
S.W. Neighborhood Assembly v. Eckard
No. 75-1073
8 ELR 20466
445 F. Supp. 1195
11 ERC 1226
S.W. Shattuck Chem. Co. v. Denver, City & County of
No. 96-D-2968, 97-D-1611
28 ELR 21477
1 F. Supp. 2d 1235
Sabine Consol., Inc. v. State
No. s. 1069-88, 1070-88
21 ELR 21015
806 S.W.2d 553
Sabine River Auth. v. Department of the Interior
No. TX-87-36-CA
21 ELR 20239
745 F. Supp. 388
Sabine River Auth. v. Department of the Interior
No. 90-4761
22 ELR 20633
951 F.2d 669
34 ERC 1669
Sabine Towing & Transp. Co. v. United States
No. 44-76
12 ELR 20176
666 F.2d 561
16 ERC 2081
Saco Steel Co. v. Saco Defense, Inc.
No. 94-311-P-C
26 ELR 20852
910 F. Supp. 803
Sacramento Municipal Utility District v. United States
No. 2013-5086, -5087
44 ELR 20138
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation Dist. v. Thomas
No. Civ. S-85-1802 LKK
18 ELR 20432
668 F. Supp. 1427
26 ERC 1633
Sacramento Regional County Sanitation Dist. v. Thomas
No. 89-15621
20 ELR 21113
905 F.2d 1262
31 ERC 1473
Sacramento, County of v. State Water Resources Control Bd.
No. C052237
37 ELR 20212
Safari Club International v. Department of Interior
No. 1:14-cv-00670
47 ELR 20186
Safe Alternatives for Fruit Fly Eradication v. Berryhill
No. CV 84-1662 AWT
14 ELR 20587
22 ERC 1036
Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
No. 17-72260, 17-72501, 17-72968, 17-73290, 17-73383, and 17-73390
50 ELR 20183
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