Recent Journal Literature

"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.

Defending ESG: A New Standard of Review for Defensive Measures That Impact ESG Ratings, 171 U. Pa. L. Rev. 203 (2022)
Paradigms of Place: Explorations of Urban and Rural Life, 50 Fordham Urb. L.J. 201 (2023)
What to Do When People Don’t Move: Ending the “Condemnation Blight” Value Rule for Forced Retreat Resulting From Sea Level Rise, 28 Cardozo J. Equal Rts. & Soc. Just. 133 (2021)
Asset Managers as Regulators, 171 U. Pa. L. Rev. 77 (2022)
Rationing Access, 76 Vand. L. Rev. 215 (2023)
Rising Tides: How the United States Can Be Proactive in Responding to Future Climate Refugees, 21 Seattle J. Soc. Just. 291 (2022)
Revitalizing the State Environmental Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine, 64 B.C. L. Rev. 253 (2023)
Swallowing the Rule: Exploring Categorical Exclusions in National Forests, 37 J. Land Use & Env’t L. 101 (2021)
Fewer of Whom? Climate-Based Population Policies Infringe Marginalized People’s Reproductive Autonomy, 25 U. Pa. J.L. & Soc. Change 81 (2021)
The Negotiable Implementation of Environmental Law, 75 Stan. L. Rev. 127 (2023)