Toxic Substances (generally)

A California jury awarded over $2 billion in compensatory and punitive damages to two residents who claimed that the weedkiller Roundup caused their non-Hodgkin lymphoma. The jury found that the…

A U.S. jury awarded over $80 million in damages to a California man who claimed that the weedkiller Roundup caused his cancer. The jury found the man proved that Roundup's design was…

The Eighth Circuit held that a lower court must hold a new trial with respect to a family's claims for punitive damages against a former manufacturing company for tricholorethylene…

A district court dismissed environmental groups' lawsuit against the FDA concerning the use of formaldehyde and formaldehyde-producing chemicals in hair-straightening products. The groups…

A district court held that EPA's year-long delay in implementing formaldehyde emission standards for domestically manufactured and imported composite wood products violated the Formaldehyde…

The Tenth Circuit ruled that an Oklahoma citizen has no claim against an oil company on allegations that his cancer was caused by decades of breathing benzene fumes from its oil refinery near his…

A California appellate court held that three paint companies will have to reimburse the state for the cost of stripping lead paint from the interior of thousands of houses in San Francisco and…

The Second Circuit, in a summary order, affirmed a lower court decision that an insurance company has no duty to defend a plumbing company in an underlying state suit related to chemical…

A California court found that three gas station operators failed to comply with requirements for monitoring and maintaining underground storage tanks. During several inspections the defendants…

The Fifth Circuit overturned a $3 million jury award for a nuisance claim against a petroleum company in which a family claimed natural gas extraction caused contamination of their property. The…