Settlement agreements

The court upheld a lower court decision denying a consortium of Florida growers' motions to amend their complaints against a fungicide manufacturer and entering summary judgment against them…

The court upholds a district court's approval of a consent decree involving water contamination in the Virgin Islands. The district court's approval of the decree was fair, reasonable,…

The court certifies to the Florida Supreme Court the question of whether an insured is entitled under state law to an award of attorney fees incurred in enforcing a settlement agreement against an…

The court affirms a bankruptcy court's denial of a successive owner's motion challenging a settlement agreement entered by the prior owner of a contaminated site, the state of West…

The court accepts and enters a consent decree between a citizen group and West Virginia's environmental agency that commits the agency to strengthen the application and oversight of the state…

The court reverses a trial court decision granting an oil company's summary judgment motion to dismiss cities' claims for the value of municipal services that were diverted to cleanup…

The court holds that a settlement agreement resolving product liability claims between a Hawaii ornamental plant company and a Delaware chemical company does not bar the plant company's…

The court dismisses strict liability, nuisance, trespass, and Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) claims filed against the former sublessee of contaminated property where an underground…

The court vacates a bankruptcy court decision that a bankrupt gasoline station satisfied its cleanup obligations and was due payment under a settlement agreement that provided for the lessor'…

The court holds that a consent decree between the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and an oil company relating to contamination at the company's petroleum refinery does not bar an…