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Indiana: Air

The Air Pollution Control Agency changed the dates of several public hearings. The hearing on amendments to rules concerning operations at ISG Burns Harbor LLC/Mittal Steel USA Burns Harbor at 326 IAC 6-6-5 and 326 IAC 7- 4-14 will be held March 5, 2008. The hearing on amendments concerning minor source operating permit renewal time limit at 326 IAC 2-6.1-7 will be held March 5, 2008.

Iowa: Water

The Natural Resource Commission seeks public comment on its proposal to rescind Chapter 31, §Public-Owned Lakes Eligibility Process,§ and adopt new Chapter 31, §Publicly Owned Lakes Program,§ Iowa Administrative Code. The proposed amendment brings the evaluation of proposals for the publicly owned lakes program into conformity with the Department§s activities associated with lake restoration, impaired waters, and watershed improvement projects. These rules will also simplify the eligibility process for applicants. A hearing may be held if requested. Comments are due February 8, 2008.

Louisiana: Waste

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to the hazardous waste regulations, LAC 33:V.709. This rule revises the circumstances for which an evidentiary hearing is held for operating permit applications for commercial hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, or recycling facilities under LAC 33:V.709. pp. 69-70.

Louisiana: Governance

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted amendments to the environmental quality regulations, LAC 33:I.3931; III.111, 2121, 2125, 2145, 2147, and 2201; V.109, 1113, 1127, 1315, 1319, 1517, 4397, and 4999; IX.2707, 4905, and 6125; and XI.707. This rule corrects outline numbering and wording errors that have been discovered in the Title 33, Environmental Quality regulations. Language found to be redundant or not required by federal regulations is deleted, and contact information for referenced publications is corrected.

Maine: Land use

The Land Use Regulation Commission will conduct public workshops on the Workshop Draft of the 2008 Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Commission's Comprehensive Land Use Plan is regularly evaluated and updated in order to analyze land use and development trends and determine their effects upon the jurisdiction and to develop a future vision for the jurisdiction.

Maryland: Waste

The Department of the Environment will conduct a public hearing on amendments to numerous hazardous waste regulations. The purpose of this action is to incorporate into Maryland's regulations on hazardous waste management various provisions that have been promulgated at the federal level by the U.S. EPA. This action also codifies into regulation certain requirements of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, concerning administrative procedures for permit actions. The hearing will be held February 20, 2008. Comments are due February 19, 2008.

Massachusetts: Air

The Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection adopted amendments to 310 CMR 7.00, Air Regulations: Environmental Results Program (ERP) for Boilers.