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Alabama: Land use

The Alabama Department of Environmental Management scheduled a public hearing on the proposed addition of Division 5 to its Administrative Code to implement the Alabama Uniform Environmental Covenants Act and revision of Division 1 to include Schedule J, Environmental Covenants Fees. The proposals would allow the Department to charge fees to administer the Uniform Environmental Covenants Program and would establish minimum requirements governing environmental covenants. The hearing will be held October 8, 2008.

Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality proposed to repeal Title 18, Chapter 2, Appendix 10, Evaluation of Air Quality Data; Appendix 11, Allowable Particulate Emissions Computations; and references to these two appendices in Title 18, Chapter 2, Article 2, Ambient Air Quality Standards; Area Designations; Classification (R18-2-216) and Title 18, Chapter 2, Article 7, Existing Stationary Source Performance Standards (various rule sections).

Arizona: Air

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality proposed an amendment to R18-2-408, Mineral Tailings. The Amendment will add the phrase "or own or otherwise operate" to clarify that pollution control measures should continue after the construction of mineral tailings piles and for times when tailings piles are inactive. Comments are due October 2, 2008. pp. 3285-3289.

Arizona: Water

The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to R18-5-105 through 109, Classification of Treatment Plants and Certification of Operators. The proposed change would give the department the authority to permanently revoke the certification for an operator of a public water system or wastewater system.

California: Air

The California Air Resources Board will hold a public hearing to consider adoption of a regulation that delineates air quality guidelines to ensure that the newly-established Air Quality Improvement Program and the Alternative and Renewable Fuel and Vehicle Technology Program complement California§s existing air quality programs. The hearing will be held September 25, 2008. Comments are due September 24, 2008.

California: Governance

The California Energy Commission scheduled a public hearing on proposed amendments to CCR-20 §§1601-1608, Appliance Efficiency Regulations. The proposal would adopt efficiency standards for metal halide lighting fixtures (luminaires), a comprehensive voluntary test procedure for battery charger systems, and clarification of the current regulations for residential pool pumps. The hearing will be held October 22, 2008. Comments are also due October 22, 2008. pp. 1525-1538.

California: Waste

The California Integrated Waste Management Board proposed revision to CCR-27 § 20921, CIWMB-Gas Monitoring and Control. The proposed revisions would adjust compliance deadlines and specify submittal and implementation time frames related to landfill gas monitoring and control programs at disposal sites. Comments are due October 3, 2008.