Weekly Cases Update Volume 45, Issue 11

The cases listed below appear in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update. For cases previously reported, please use the filter on the left.

Volume 45, Issue 26

ELR 201701735 C.D. 2014(Pa. Commw. Ct., )

A Pennsylvania appellate court reversed a lower court order denying an energy company's application to construct and operate a natural gas well on land it has leased from a private landowner.

Energy (generally), Zoning, Land use
ELR 2016914-35553(9th Cir., )

The Ninth Circuit upheld the Bureau of Indian Affairs' (BIA's) approval of a Native American tribe's plan to harvest 268 acres of timber in the Coquille Forest in southwest Oregon.

National forests, National forests
ELR 2017214-02446(D. Ariz., )

A district court held that the U.S. Forest Service violated NEPA when it categorically excluded from environmental review a mining company's proposed mineral exploration plan in the Coronado National Forest.

Coronado National Forest, Ariz., Categorical exemption