
A district court held that RCRA gives it the authority to grant a golf course's request for mandatory injunctive relief against a company to stop further contamination and to remediate past…

The court refuses to preliminarily enjoin a lessee from using a soil vapor extraction (SVE) cleanup method during the remediation of its leased property or to require the lessee to remediate all…

The court holds that the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) bars a current property owner's claim for cleanup costs against the property's former owner. The current owner…

The court holds that under Ohio law, the doctrine of res judicata bars property owners' Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) suit against the property's seller for leaving…

The court holds that a landowner cannot recover from previous site owner petroleum contamination cleanup costs it incurred after it invoked Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) §7002…