
A district court held that it lacks jurisdiction over a lawsuit filed by the U.S. Virgin Islands natural resources commissioner against two chemical companies for negligence, strict liability, and…

The Ninth Circuit held that a Canadian corporation that markets and distributes electric power in the United States is a "foreign state" within the meaning of the Foreign Sovereign…

The U.S. Supreme Court held that the statute of limitations governing the U.S. Court of Federal Claims requires sua sponte consideration of the timeliness of a lawsuit filed in that court, despite…

The court denies a motion to remand to Louisiana state court individuals' class action against a company for the alleged seepage of mercury from one of its facilities. In addition to suing…

The First Circuit held that it lacked jurisdiction over an electric company's challenge to a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) determination that ferric ferrocyanide is a hazardous…

A district court dismissed property owners' takings, substantive due process, and equal protection claims against a city after the city denied the owners' request for building permits.…

The Sixth Circuit held that individuals may go forward with their class action suit against a cement manufacturing plant for current and future personal and real property damages, diminution in…

The First Circuit dismissed for lack of jurisdiction Rhode Island's interlocutory appeal of an EPA Environmental Appeals Board (EAB) decision denying the state's motion to intervene in…

The court holds that it lacked jurisdiction over the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) decision denying environmental groups' request that the licensing of two nuclear power…

The court holds that it lacks jurisdiction over a gas station operator's appeal of a district court order requiring it to deposit money into an escrow account to pay for anticipated cleanup…