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Cascadia Wildlands v. Adcock

A magistrate judge recommended that BLM's motion to dismiss be denied in a challenge to its proposed logging project in northwest Oregon. Environmental groups argued BLM's landscape plan for the project violated NEPA by failing to establish baseline environmental conditions, failing to consider sign...

Friends of the Earth v. Haaland

The D.C. Circuit dismissed for mootness a challenge to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM's) 2021 oil and gas lease sale in the Gulf of Mexico. Environmental groups argued the sale violated NEPA. The district court had concluded BOEM failed to properly follow NEPA procedures, and vacated ...

North Dakota v. United States Department of Interior

A district court granted in part and denied in part North Dakota's motion for preliminary injunction in a lawsuit concerning BLM's "pause" on nearly all quarterly lease sales of federal land in the state for oil and gas exploration in 2021 and 2022. North Dakota argued the "pause" or "cancellation" ...

Great Basin Resource Watch v. United States Department of the Interior

A district court granted in part and denied in part environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to BLM's second approval of a proposed open pit mine in Nevada. The groups argued BLM failed to adequately protect federal water reserves within the mine area; violated NEPA by failin...

Sovereign Iñupiat for a Living Arctic v. Bureau of Land Management

A district court denied environmental groups' motions to preliminarily enjoin construction on an oil project in Alaska's National Petroleum Reserve. One of the groups argued BLM violated NEPA and the Naval Petroleum Reserves Production Act (NPRPA) by failing to consider a reasonable range of alterna...

Los Angeles, City of v. Federal Aviation Administration

The Ninth Circuit, 2-1, granted in part and denied in part a city's petition for review of FAA's issuance of an EIS and record of decision allowing a Los Angeles airport to begin construction on a replacement terminal. The city challenged FAA's compliance with NEPA's requirement that an EIS include ...

Save Long Beach Island v. United States Department of the Interior

A district court granted the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management's (BOEM's) motion to dismiss a challenge to its memorandum designating certain areas in New York as "wind energy areas" for purposes of offshore wind development. A nonprofit group argued BOEM violated NEPA by failing to conduct an EA pr...

Friends of the Inyo v. U.S. Forest Service

A district court denied summary judgment for environmental groups in a challenge to the Forest Service's approval of a proposed mining exploration project on public land in the eastern Sierra Nevadas. The groups argued the Service violated NEPA by relying on two categorical exclusions—for mineral ...

Bartell Ranch v. McCullough

A district court denied emergency motions brought by environmental groups, ranchers, and tribes to halt construction of a lithium mine near Thacker Pass, Nevada, pending appeal. The plaintiffs initially argued BLM's approval of the mine violated FLPMA, NEPA, and the National Historic Preservation Ac...

350 Montana v. Haaland

A district court vacated on remand OSM's approval of an underground coal mine expansion in central Montana. Environmental groups initially challenged OSM's 2018 EA for the proposed expansion. The Ninth Circuit held that OSM violated NEPA by failing to provide convincing reasons for its determination...