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Physicians for Social Responsibility v. Buttigieg

A district court denied an environmental and public health group's motion for a preliminary injunction in a challenge to FWS' and the Federal Highway Administration's (FHwA's) authorization of a trail development project through a former nuclear weapons production site in Rocky Flats National Wildli...

Alliance for the Wild Rockies v. Haaland

A district court denied summary judgment for environmental groups in a challenge to BLM's management plan for a recreation area in Montana. The groups argued BLM violated NEPA, FLPMA, and the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) when it developed the plan, and sought a preliminary injunction. The c...

BlueRibbon Coalition, Inc. v. U.S Bureau of Land Management

A district court denied outdoor recreation groups' request to halt implementation of BLM's 2023 travel management plan (TMP) closing over 300 miles of routes previously available for off-highway vehicle use on public lands within the Labyrinth/Gemini Bridges Travel Management Area in Utah. The group...

Dakota Resource Council v. U.S. Department of Interior

A district court denied summary judgment for conservation groups in a challenge to BLM's authorization of six lease sales for oil and gas development in the western United States. The groups argued BLM failed to take the requisite "hard look" when analyzing the cumulative impact of greenhouse gas em...

Apache Stronghold v. United States

In an en banc decision, the Ninth Circuit, 6-5, affirmed a district court order denying a tribal group's motion for preliminary injunction against the U.S. government's transfer of federal land within Tonto National Forest to a mining company. The land is a site of spiritual value to the Western Apa...

Desert Protection Society v. Haaland

A district court denied an environmental group's motion for summary judgment in a challenge to BLM's decision to amend the California Desert Conservation Area Plan and grant a right-of-way to a company to construct and operate an electric energy project near Joshua Tree National Park. The group argu...

Western Watersheds Project v. Perdue

A district court denied environmental groups' motion for summary judgment in a challenge to the Forest Service's approval of a grazing project in the Apache-Sitgreaves and Gila National Forests. The groups argued the Service violated NEPA by failing to take a "hard look" at impacts on Mexican gray w...

Garfield County, Utah v. Biden

A district court dismissed a challenge to President Biden's redesignation of the Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments. The state of Utah and two counties argued the president exceeded his authority under the Antiquities Act by enlarging the two monuments via proclamations, and...

Wilderness Watch v. United States Fish & Wildlife Service

A district court granted environmental groups' motion for a preliminary injunction in a challenge to FWS' decision to install a permanent pipeline for Arctic grayling in Red Rock Lakes Wilderness in southwestern Montana. The groups argued the decision violated the Wilderness Act by ignoring the Act'...