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Del Cerro Mobile Estates v. City of Placentia

A California appellate court dismissed a mobile home park owner's complaint challenging a city's environmental impact report (EIR) for a planned railroad grade separation project under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Below, the county transportation authority intervened in the ...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Environmental Protection Agency

The D.C. Circuit vacated an EPA guidance document addressing obligations of regions still in nonattainment of the 1997 one-hour ozone NAAQS. The guidance binds EPA regional directors and thus qualifies as final agency action. As such, it amounts to a legislative rule issued in violation of the ...

SPS Ltd. Partnership, LLLP v. Severstal Sparrows Point, LLC

A district court granted in part and denied in part motions to dismiss a shipyard owner's CERCLA, RCRA, and tort law claims against the current owner of a steel mill. The court denied motions to dismiss the shipyard's CERCLA claims for contribution and response costs. The complaint contains factual ...

Aiken County

The D.C. Circuit dismissed petitions for review challenging DOE's attempt to withdraw its application to NRC for a license to construct a permanent nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, as well as its apparent decision to abandon development of the Yucca Mountain nuclear waste reposito...

MDL-1824 Tri-State Water Rights Litigation

The Eleventh Circuit held that the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers may allocate storage water in Lake Lanier, a reservoir created in 1956 by the completion of Buford Dam on the Chattahoochee River, for water supply. A lower court ruled that the Corps' current operation of the Buford Project—Buford Da...

CRV Enterprises, Inc. v. United States

The Federal Circuit upheld a lower court decision rejecting landowners' claims that the United States had taken their property without just compensation by erecting a log boom that prevented them from using a slough next to their property. The government placed the log boom in the slough to ...