UN Report Warns of Agricultural Water Scarcity


The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations warned that countries should improve water management ahead of droughts and water availability issues brought on by climate change. A statement released last week cautioned that changes in water availability will tighten agricultural water supplies, and that "livelihoods of rural communities as well as the food security of city populations are at risk." The organization suggested that mapping vulnerability to water scarcity is crucial, but that the rural poor are likely to be disproportionately affected. However, improved water conservation measures, including planting deep-rooted crops, using agro-forestry systems, and changing planting cycles, could increase food security by more efficiently using soil moisture. However, many of the nations likely to be most affected also have the highest rates of population growth, putting further strain on food security. According to Tim Gore, international climate change at Oxfam, "climate change . . . will devastate our future food supply."For the full story, see http://www.reuters.com/article/2011/06/09/us-water-climate-fao-idUSTRE7584JQ20110609 andhttp://www.voanews.com/english/news/africa/Climate-Change-Threatens-World-Food-Production-123373078.html.