Six Priority Recommendations for Improving Conservation Under the ESA

September 2021
ELR 10785
Alejandro E. Camacho and Melissa L. Kelly

Because of persistent legislative attacks on the Endangered Species Act (ESA), some conservationists have made a strategic choice not to propose substantial adjustments to it. But conservation recommendations are long overdue, and improvements to the ESA and its implementing regulations and policies seem more possible in the current political climate. The University of California, Irvine School of Law and the Environmental Policy Innovation Center convened a broad dialogue within the conservation community seeking perspectives on those improvements. This Article summarizes their findings, and recommends both legislative and administrative actions to update the Act and fulfill its conservation goals.

Alejandro E. Camacho is a Chancellor's Professor of Law at the University of California, Irvine; Faculty Director of the Center for Land, Environment, and Natural Resources (CLEANR); and a Member Scholar at the Center for Progressive Reform. Melissa L. Kelly is Staff Director and Attorney at CLEANR.

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Six Priority Recommendations for Improving Conservation Under the ESA

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