Comment on Regulating Industrial Chemicals: Lessons for U.S. Lawmakers From the European Union’s REACH Program

November 2012
ELR 11066
Lynn L. Bergeson

It is entirely appropriate to consider how REACH may influence reconsideration of the U.S. chemical regulatory environment, and the report provides some critical insights. But REACH is not the only consideration—Canada’s Chemical Management Plan should be considered as well. Further, REACH should be considered from a practitioner’s, not an academic’s, perspective to learn lessons relevant to U.S. chemicals management.

Lynn L. Bergeson is Managing Principal of Bergeson & Campbell, P.C., President of The Acta Group, and President of B&C Consortia Management, L.L.C.

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Comment on Regulating Industrial Chemicals: Lessons for U.S. Lawmakers From the European Union’s REACH Program

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