Poland adopted a law banning the construction of wind farms near homes. Under the new law, wind farms are required to be built at a distance that is at least 10 times the height of the turbine. The move could stunt Poland’s efforts in renewable energy, as the ban will result in higher costs for wind farm construction projects. Additionally, the new law will result in a hike in property taxes for owners of wind farms, which industry representatives commented could trigger bankruptcies. The representatives of Poland’s conservative Law and Justice Party explained that the law stemmed from resident complaints about wind farm noise. Under European Union laws, Poland is required to produce 15% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2020. It currently produces 12% of its electricity from renewable sources, and is largely dependent on coal. For the full story, see http://uk.reuters.com/article/us-energy-poland-windfarm-idUKKCN0YE17V.